Thursday, July 26, 2007

Accepted to the WPJA!

I just got word that I've be accepted to the Wedding Photojournalists Association. This is big for me as their standards are very high and you have to go through a review process before they even consider you for membership. It took three weeks of to hear from them and I was getting a little concerned that I didn't have what it takes in their eyes. Click their logo on the upper left and check them out. You'll see some amazing work.

Normally, I'm not a big joiner of organizations, this is the only group I'm a member of at this point, but this group has raised the bar so high that I'm proud to be on board. They review your portfolio and will not even consider you for membership if any more then 20% of your displayed work (usually your web site/portfolio) is "set up" or staged in any way. This means no "look at the camera," no "smile", no "hold the flowers like this," no "look over here," during the dance. This means the story is told as it unfolds.

Anyway, I am honored to be part of the WPJA and hope to live up to their standards for my clients. I want the couples that I shoot to know that my style is that of a photojournalist. You get "Your Day" documented, from start to finish, in a photographic story, as it happens ... one frame at a time. Check their site and check my site and you'll see what this is all about.
Thanks, Tom

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