This was shot at a kid's gymnastics program. There wasn't a written story and it ran as a small photo layout. These 3 years old and their moms had a blast running, jumping, limbo'in ... just an all around good time. These kids will grow up fast, so it was nice to see the parents spending some real quality time with them.

Some pretty funny stuff going on .... like when asked what will you be doing when you're 100, one kid said he will "bury himself." Another good hearted assignment and with jobs like this I am grateful for the internet. The paper only had room to run one small photo in the paper which makes sense as it was a small story, but the images were fun to shoot and it's great they had a second chance at life.
The above photos are a couple of linked galleries to the Asbury Park Press where I spend my weekdays. I will only link to galleries that are a little more on the lighter side. Photos of people's misery, a sometimes large part of my day, can stay in the ink ... after all you came here through a happy wedding photo site. Check 'em out if you have the time.